Have/Do/Be – or – Be/Do/Have

Oct 08 2010 Published by under Blog

Here’s how most Americans (maybe human beings in general) approach life:  If I just had (have) a larger income, better house, more time, better job, etc…  I would be able to do better vacations, give more to charity, etc…  and then I would have more joy, peace, fun, etc…

So when is enough “enough”?  what if we switch from Have-Do-Be to Be-Do-Have then…

We would decide who we are… I am a confident, joyful woman.  What would that kind of woman do, maybe give more, spend more time with friends, apply for that dream job (being confident and all)… and what would she have?  peace, joy happiness, better job, etc…

Approaching from Be-Do-Have allows you to have more/better faster because it focuses you on the doing from a position of having.  The other way you spend a lot of precious time waiting…

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