Efficiency: http://www.ktvb.com/archive/65061747.html
Mary Gersema explains how efficiency begins with role clarity. Can you articulate what you do and how it affects the success of your company?
Efficiency: http://www.ktvb.com/archive/65061747.html
Mary Gersema explains how efficiency begins with role clarity. Can you articulate what you do and how it affects the success of your company?
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Training Tips: http://www.ktvb.com/archive/65061507.html
Mary Gersema explains why training is more than just the technical skills employees need and how to attract and retain great employees.
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Asking the Right Questions: http://www.ktvb.com/archive/65060292.html
Mary Gersema believe that knowing the right questions be better than knowing answers. Create a culture of questioning.
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Eliminate The Negative: http://www.ktvb.com/archive/64281647.html
Mary Gersema explains why you should find the strength of your staff and focus on that instead of trying to improve the weaknesses.
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Getting Rid of Customers: http://www.ktvb.com/archive/64281187.html
Mary Gersema explains the difference between clients and customers. After watching this you’ll want to get rid of your customers by turning them into clients.
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Corporate campfire: http://www.ktvb.com/archive/64277677.html
Mary Gersema talks about how to teach your employees about your company using stories instead of a manual. A favorite quote: “Thou shalt not” is soon forgotten, but “once upon a time” will last forever. – Philip Pullman
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WOO: http://www.ktvb.com/archive/64282732.html
Mary Gersema shares how “WOO” (winning others over) is as simple as these three steps. Welcome the feedback. Own it. Offer solutions.
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