October 2008

Oct 05 2008 Published by under Newsletters

Oct 2008

There seems to be lots of uncertainly in life these days.  The elections are coming up, the economy is scary for lots of people and the stock market is a thrilling ride down.  In these times of nervousness we have an opportunity to be a stable part of our client’s life.  We need to strive to be as consistent as possible and more positive than ever.  I recently read a tip on client service that I want to share with you today to help accomplish our company goal of “making our clients’ lives easier”.

Use these four questions when dealing with a client to ensure you have all of the information you need to make a decision or to help them.

  1. What did I hear?
  2. What questions and/or clarification do I need?
  3. What reactions/thoughts/feelings do I have?
  4. What action do I need to take and when?

Asking yourself these four questions will help ensure you are listening to the client.  Sometimes we all get distracted while dealing with someone.  It’s normal.  But for a client conversation we just don’t have that luxury.  If we get into the habit of asking these questions and documenting the conversation and our answer to these questions we’ll be well on our way to great client service.

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