December 2008

Dec 30 2008 Published by under Newsletters

December 2008

by Mary Gersema

Do you hear what I hear?  Aww yes, the sounds of Christmas.  I love this time of year, and yet every year it gets busier and harder to focus on the real and lay aside the tinsel and the phony.  My family is down to buying gifts only for immediate family and charity giving.  It sure has made it simpler.  My kids love shopping for the Marine Toys for Tots Foundation or Angel Tree gifts.  They are always surprised again at the simplicity of the requests on those tags.  Things like “warm socks” are pretty different from the iPod on their list.  It puts life in perspective.

I’d like to suggest that we need to do the same with work.  Maybe take a little time to ponder.  What is really necessary and what would we be able to accomplish for our clients if we laid aside the tedious for the important.  I’d invite you all to be thinking about that this month.  As you perform your everyday tasks ask yourself, “Is this making a difference in the life of anyone or is it merely busy work?”  Then let’s take time in the New Year to review those things.  One of my goals for 2009 is that we would all be able to measure our work in terms of “how does what I do make a real difference in the life of someone.”  Sound exciting?  It will be!

In the meantime…please know that I wish each of you and your families a blessed Christmas season.  Joy to the world, the Lord is come.

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