February 2009

Feb 05 2009 Published by under Newsletters

February 2009

Do you have a dream?  Something that you know you were just born to do/accomplish?  Dreams can be hard to recognize if you were not encouraged in your life to dream.  Sadly, lots of people have simply forgotten how to dream.  They don’t remember what their dream was.  I met someone recently in a training I was assisting with who didn’t think it was possible to achieve his dream.  He had actually given the dream up for lost.  Life had crept in and consumed most of his time and resources.  When I offered a couple of possible ways that he may at least begin to prepare to begin his dream his face lit up and I swear he glowed.  His smile was infectious.  I knew he was “in his dream” and he had really just begun to even consider the possibility.  That’s how it is when you are in sync with your dream.  Inspired.  Worthy.  Energized and yet peaceful.  Sounds good, huh?  When I close my eyes and see me “in my dream” I am standing tall, legs slightly spread, head up and arms stretched out wide as if in surrender to the moment.  Want to see what it looks like when a person is right there in his dream?  Watch this clip when you have some spare time:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLF9iEXnBRo&feature=related.  Not inspired yet?  Check out this one while you’re at it:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iNN0wQWDUnU&feature=related.

I have a gift for you.  I have found what I think is a connection to dreams that I want to offer to you.  When I began to look at and think about the “Strengths Finder” book and corresponding assessment I thought of it as a way to match people’s strengths with the tasks we have to do at the company.  Since that time I have come to believe that your “strengths” and your dreams are tied together.  Your “strengths” are those things that you have talent for.  Your natural tendencies, if you will.   Doesn’t it make sense that we would dream of doing things that fit with those tendencies?  I have asked a few people in the company to take the Strengths Finder assessment.  They all believe the results are accurate and more easily understood than our color profile.  I am now making that option available to anyone who would like to take the assessment and know more about themselves.  I strongly encourage you to do so.  Sue Shrader can send you the book which includes the code at the back of the book to allow you to do the assessment online.  The condition is that you share the results with your manager and a copy to Kathy.  I am sure that when you see your strengths and consider them you’ll begin to see how they can support you in your dreams.

I can’t wait to hear about your dreams and I look forward to being able to help you by discussing your strengths with you at your request.

ps  Happy V’Day!

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